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BEAKER by THIX app for iPhone and iPad

4.0 ( 9920 ratings )
Games Puzzle Education Educational
Developer: THIX LLC
0.99 USD
Current version: 2.4, last update: 1 year ago
First release : 28 Jul 2015
App size: 55.74 Mb

Explore 150 chemicals in a virtual lab in the BEAKER app. Add in chemicals, heat it up, and shake your device to start reactions. Pour them out to clean it up. Or team up with your friends to pour chemicals between each other via AirMix™.

Use virtual Match, Lid and Burner to assist your experiment. Or get the extra five tools - Blender, Cooler, Separator, Filter and Meter to do even more complex operations.

Start (tap or hold on chemicals to add)
- CaO + H2O
- K + H2O (fire)
- Na + H2O (fire)
- Al + Br2 (fire)

Ignite (swipe your finger and hold, like striking a match)
- Ignite Mg, C, Al
- Ignite H2 + O2 (explosion)

Heat Up (swipe in from the lower right corner to turn on Burner)
- Boil Water (H2O)
- Heat Fe + HNO3 (color transformation)

Shake (shake to accelerate reactions)
- CuSO4 + H2O + Mg (color transformation)
- AgNO3 + H2O + Cu (precipitation)
- AgNO3 + H2O + NaCl (precipitation)

AirMix* (nearby BEAKERs will pair automatically)
- Pour Na into Cl2 (fire)
- Pour CH3COOH into NaHCO3 + Blue (bubbles)
- Pour NaCl + H2O into AgNO3 + H2O (precipitation)

* AirMix requires an Internet connection and geolocation services.

If any chemicals or reactions are missing, please contact us at Your suggestions are greatly valuable to us.

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Twitter: @thixlab

Pros and cons of BEAKER by THIX app for iPhone and iPad

BEAKER by THIX app good for

Try putting a couple bit of Sodium (Na) in some Hydrogen Chloride (HCI). Close the lid and watch a little bit of a jumping light show!
This app is great if you are a student learning chemistry or have learned some chemistry before. But, if you dont know any chemistry at all, this app may not be for you. But, then again, it might be a good way to get you interested. It sure is fun seeing how different elements, compounds, etc. interact with each other. Try dropping a bit of sodium into water. Or apply a flame to a chunk of magnesium. Thats all entertaining. But, whats needed is perhaps a beginners chemistry guide built into the app. It should describe perhaps how some elements, etc. get along with each other. Suggest perhaps some interesting experiments and then explain them in laymans language. In any case, Beaker is a hoot for the budding mad scientist. Give it a try!
Its excellent but there needs to be just one purchase of 1.99 to buy ALL the additional tools instead of buying each one individually for .99, which is way too expensive since there are quite a few new tools and considering I already paid for this application. Rest is great though!

Some bad moments

The app seems nice, but not being able to disable sound (even when the iphone is in silent mode) makes it unusable for me in most places.
Theres a bleep with a small animation on the bottom-right corner, then the screen goes black and nothing else happens
The worst app. Using iOS 9.3.3 here, and even doesnt open the App (iPhone and IPad). Poor!
Only black screen& Thats all. Показывает только чёрный экран. iPhone SE, iOS 10beta3
App has wrong resolution, so it doesnt fit nether on iPhone nether on iPad
Liked this app initially and was excited for new features until I realized I had to pay $0.99 for each one. Dont understand why I have to pay for features in an app that wasnt free to begin with.

Usually BEAKER by THIX iOS app used & searched for

beaker, beaker by thix, reactions lite, and other. So, download free BEAKER by THIX .ipa to run this nice iOS application on iPhone and iPad.